Tag: Life
My Old Blog
Re-publishing the posts of my old erasmus blog
The other day I was browsing through the Wayback Machine and I tried looking up if they had a copy of my old blog dimlight.wordpress.com, a blog I wrote during my second Erasmus exchange program stay in the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. Of course, they had several snapshots archived. The images and videos are missing, but the texts are intact, so I decided to re-publish verbatim copies of these old posts here.
This is a verbatim copy of a post made in my old blog dimlight.wrodpress.com, included here for archiving purposes.
Good morning, bon dia, bonjour, guten tag, buon giorno, goddag, hyvää päivää, konnichi wa, habari gani, buenos días, prynhawn da!
This is the first post of this modest blog and hopefully it won’t be the last ;). Gonna introduce myself. Im a common guy holding a common life in a still common country. Im engineer in informatics (or almost) by the Faculty of informatics of Barcelona -I hate informatics though- and I’m currently living in Arenys, a small, dusty and lovely town located about 40km (24.8miles) away from Barcelona City, northwards along the catalan Mediterranean coast. I spent one year in Reading, UK, studying in The University of Reading enroled in the SOCRATES/Erasmus program.